
Estonian EU external border programme


On 24 November 2021, the members of the Programme’s Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) from Estonia and Russia, representatives of the European Commission and TESIM project, staff of the Managing Authority (MA) and Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) met online to review the implementation of the Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 and Programme preparation for the new period.

The meeting was chaired by Ms Daria Trifonova, Consultant, Department of Development of integration projects and CIS countries, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The meeting was held in quite a challenging moment of 2 crossing tasks: ensuring successful projects’ and Programme implementation in Covid situation and final straight of the Programme preparation for the period 2021-2027, this made the agenda very intense.

In the first part of the meeting was presented and discussed the state of play of Programme implementation, including projects’ achievements and challenges, as well as management, monitoring and information activities carried out by MA and JTS. JMC members provided important comments and proposals on further development of the Programme information and communication instruments.

This analysis provided JMC with the relevant ground for making decisions on Work, Information and Communication plans for 2022 and financial allocations of the Technical assistance budget to support them. 

The JMC members discussed and approved the set of decisions, needed for the successful implementation of the 4th call for proposals, including approach to reallocation of savings from completed projects to cover grants, requested by the Applicants succeeded in the 4th call.   

The information about important findings and plans of the Programme Audit Authority was presented by Mr Mart Pechter, Advisor, Financial Control Department, the Ministry of Finance of Estonia

The introduction to the state of play and timeline of programming process for period 2021-2027 concluded the meeting.

The representatives of the European Commission Ms Tanya Dimitrova and TESIM project Ms Iveta Puzo provided valuable input into the discussion of the documents, including solutions to current issues and plans for the new programming period.

Next, 12th JMC meeting is planned in March 2022.