
Estonian EU external border programme


3rd Call for proposals of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 was closed on 21 February 2020.

In total 14 Full Application Forms (FAF) were received in electronic Monitoring System with requested grant amount over 1,2 million euros.

15 project partners from Estonia and 15 from Russia are involved in the submitted projects within the 3rd Call while lead applicants in turn are 2 from Russia and 12 from Estonia. Also 15 associated partners from two countries are engaged in the planned activities.

Total indicative grant amount allocated by the Programme for the 3rd Call for proposals is EUR 432 373,32. Cross border cooperation projects improving cooperation between local and regional authorities, their sub-units and communities were awaited in this call.

Joint Technical Secretariat with involvement of branch offices are now proceeding with the Administrative and eligibility check during which Lead Applicants are contacted for technical clarifications.

Introductory Session of Selection Committee on 10 March will launch the quality assessment of the 3rd Call applications. Decisions on the selected projects are expected to be announced in June 2020.

The Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 would like to thank all lead applicants and partners for participating in the Call.