
Estonian EU external border programme


On 25th December 2019 in Petrozavodsk (Russia) had taken place the 3rd Annual meeting of Branch Offices (BOs) of EU-Russia CBC Programmes 2014-2020. This time representatives of all 7 Programmes had taken part: “Estonia-Russia”, “Poland-Russia”, “Lithuania-Russia”, “Latvia-Russia”, “South-East Finland – Russia” and “Kolarctic”.

The key objective of the event – experience and best practices exchange in Programmes and projects implementation on the Russian side.
All Programmes’ State of play was presented and discussed to identify most interesting specifics of operations, especially in their outputs and results visualization and promotion, including experience in organizing Annual events in Russia. The practical ways to increase the number of Russian partners playing leading role in the projects and to ensure successful preparation and implementation of Large Infrastructure Projects were presented.

Some ideas for specifying role of BOs in the new programming period 2021-2027 were formulated.
Events participants were also introduced to the Karelian culture both in music and culinary arts.

4th and already traditional Annual meeting of Branch offices was decided to organize in the end of December 2020 in Murmansk.