On 7 October 2019 the Estonia-Russia CBC Programme has published the Instructions on applying for additional financing for implementation of Large Infrastructure Projects (LIP). Deadline for submission of applications via eMS is 22 October 2019.
The invitation is announced and focused solely on already funded through direct award Large Infrastructure Projects.
Overall indicative amount made available from the Programme for the additional financing of implementation of LIPs is 3 929 717,15 EUR.
In total, four LIPs are being implemented in the Estonia-Russia Programme and the activities of the projects must be finalized on 31 December 2022 at the latest.
Detailed instructions are available on our website HERE.
List of contracted projects is published here. (Large Infrastructure Projects of the Programme are ER1 SME ACCESS, ER2 Common Peipsi 2, ER3 Narva-Ivangorod Castle 2, ER4 River Promenades III).