According to the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Estonian EU external border programme, currently the 5th Call for proposals is under preparation.
The 5th Call for proposals (Call) is aimed for Estonian beneficiaries of ongoing or completed projects of Estonian EU external border programme with a focus on capitalisation of project results.
In the Call are expected project applications that contribute to higher impact of the Estonian EU external border programme on the programme territory and beyond the border regions of the Republic of Estonia through:
- increasing visibility of projects/ programme results;
- re-using knowledge or transferring results of identified good practices gained in the implemented project.
Each project shall have at least two beneficiaries from the Republic of Estonia. Partnership can be formed on the basis of one or several projects and possible to involve also new partners. Organizations from Finland and Latvia are welcome to participate in projects as associated partners.
The programme grant amount to the project is planned EUR20 000 up to EUR100 000.
As a novel aspect in the Call will be applied a simplified cost option (SCO).
The duration of the project is 6 month.
Call is expected to be launched in the beginning of October 2022. Information and more detailed conditions for participating in the Call will be published on our programme website, and on Facebook. The information about related information events and consultations will be announced further.
The 5th Call for proposals is extension of the previous 4th Call for proposals, which was suspended due to the programme implementation disruption.