
Estonian EU external border programme

Following documents are for use of Applicants and partners for the 2nd Call for project proposals.

The Call for Proposals (1st stage) is open from 10 January 2018Deadline for submission of project applications (Project Summary Form) is 7 March 2018 at 17.00 (Estonian time).  
Deadline for submission of Full Application Forms in eMS for pre-selected projects is 12 December 2018.

Guidelines for the 2nd Call for proposals (Changes approved on 21.06.2018)

eMS Project Summary Form (PSF) drafting tool (information to be filled in eMS)
eMS manual for PSF  (2 Call for proposals)
Annex 1 Letter of intent (for PSF)
Annex 2 Declaration by the applicant (FAF)
Annex 3 Legal Entity Public body  (FAF)
Annex 4 Legal Entity Private body (FAF)
Annex 5 Declaration of applying State aid/ de minimis aid (for EST partners) (FAF)
Annex 6 Group scheme  (FAF)
Annex 7 Partner statement (FAF)
Annex 8 Letter of Endorsement by associate (FAF) (changes approved on 13.09.2018)
Annex 9 Logical framework (FAF)
Annex 10 Financial plan (FAF)
Annex 11 State Aid Guidelines (for EST partners) (updated 24.09.2018)
Annex 12 Written recommendation of the JMC
Annex 13 Information and communication plan (FAF)
Annex 14 Evidence of ownership or access to the land/ buildings (FAF)

eMS Full Application Form drafting tool  (for FAF)
Feedback on the recommendations of the JMC (recommended template)

Communication and  Visibility Guidelines for the Implementation of Projects