Following documents are for use of Large Infrastructure Project (LIP) Applicants and Partners.
Guidelines for Large Infrastructure Projects (changes in Article 4- Duration of the project, approved on 24 April 2019)
Annex 1 Project Summary
Annex 2 Requirements for evaluation
Annex 3 Requirements for verification of compliance
Annex 4 Written recommendation for the final list of LIP
Annex 5 SME Declaration
Annex 6 De Minimis Declaration
Annex 7 Declaration of Applying State Aid
Annex 8 Financial plan
Annex 9 Logical Framework for LIP (updated)
Annex 10 Declaration by the Applicant (updated)
Annex 11 Legal Entity Sheet
Annex 12 Partner statement (updated)
Annex 13 Letter of Endorsement by the Associate (updated)
Annex 14 Information and Communication plan
State Aid Guidelines for Large Infrastructure Projects (2017 08 08)