Dear readers, applicants and partners!
We are very glad that the Joint Monitoring Committee of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme approved 24 first call applications to be financed by the programme during 5th meeting held in Tartu. Now we are looking forward for the last step − ratification of the Financing Agreement in Russian Federation! It is not possible for Managing Authority to sign Grant Contracts with the Lead Partners before the ratification of the Financing Agreement. In order to use this time wisely, projects will have possibility to fulfil the conditions that are set by the Joint Monitoring Committee and start with Grant Contract negotiations.
Last but not least, from the programme perspective we really expect that all projects will promote the project results through very good communication and visibility activities so the achievements of the CBC will be visible for the wider public!
Good luck!
Julia Koger
Adviser of the European Territorial Cooperation Unit,
Regional Development Department of the Ministry of Finance of Estonia
National Authority of Estonia – Russia CBC Programme in Estonia
Estonia-Russia CBC Programme is now entering the next stage – the implementation period of projects. We are very pleased with the project applications which were selected for Programme grants, with their quality, partnerships formed and tasks they are going to tackle.
Still to negotiate Grant Contracts with the Programme the Agreement on Financing and Implementation of Cross Border Cooperation Programme Russia – Estonia for 2014-2020 needs to enter into force. The ratification of the Agreement in Russia is in process and the Russian National Authority together with the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs is trying to accelerate the process. Nevertheless, all the national procedures should be followed and this may take time. Therefore, we would kindly ask the project partners to have patience and not to worry as we are definitely on the positive track.
Thank you all for the interest for the Estonia – Russia CBC Programme activities. Let us look forward to prosperity of our common cross border areas!
With the best wishes,
Svetlana Bibichkova
Head of Unit for Regional and Cross Border Cooperation Development
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
National Authority of Estonia – Russia CBC Programme in Russia