Two Cross Border Cooperation Programmes Estonia-Russia and Latvia-Russia together celebrated European Cooperation Day (EC Day) in Pskov (Russia) on 7th September.
It started with Peer-to-Peer Capitalization Brunch which was held with representatives of contracted projects from both Programmes in a form of discussions on project implementation issues. Plans for promoting results, future project ideas and perspectives of participation in the next Programming period were lively discussed during the Brunch in “Rusakov” Restaurant.
Programme and local authorities’ representatives, Consulates of Latvia and Estonia in Pskov participated as observers to enrich their knowledge about CBC projects. Further on comments and views will be summarized and used as a starting capital for further programmes.
Representatives from three countries jointly cooked yummy cross-border cheeseburgers with cheeses from Estonia, Latvia and Russia on Zolotaya naberezhnaya. 200 cross-border cheeseburgers were offered to the visitors to taste on the embankment of river Pskova.
Open-air exhibition gathered ten projects supported by the Estonia-Russia and Latvia-Russia CBC Programmes. Projects, which are focused on ecology and raising awareness on environmental protection, demonstrated expected results by partners and this caused great interest of guests: families with kids and students.
Projects opened school of eco-friendly citizens and around 400 participants built fleet of 50 ships, experimented in water purification process, tested knowledge on flora and fauna in border regions, learnt principles of energy efficiency, sorting garbage and first actions in case of fire. Participants took part in these and many other workshops. Most active participants were rewarded with EC Day souvenirs.
We hope that all visitors of EC Day celebration in Pskov have obtained more eco-friendly habits and got to know about cooperation and projects in the border area.

Please visit Gallery of the event.