
Estonian EU external border programme

10.03.2020 - 11.03.2020



Programme event

On 10-11 March 2020 meetings of Selection Committee (SC) and Joint Programming Committee (JPC) will take place in Tallinn, Estonia.

Agenda of the Selection Committee 10th meeting introduction session includes decision on appointing assessors for project applications of the 3rd Call and discussions on harmonized understanding of the quality assessment criteria of submitted applications and hints on eMS usage.

1st meeting of the Joint Programming Committee will launch the preparation process of programming of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2021-2027. The meeting includes discussions on Policy objectives and Specific Objectives, overview of state of play of EU regulations and Financing Agreement preparations, approval of Rules of Procedures of the JPC, time plan for preparations and other practical issues.

Registration for the meeting is for nominated persons only and open till 2 March.

Registration for this event has been closed.