On 14 June 2022 Mustvee Health Centre Target Enterprise (TE) organized a web conference “Results of the project ER153 “Ergonomics”” devoted to Inclusion Day and Experience exchange between staff members of the medical institutions in Estonia.
This final event was targeted to representatives of Health Insurance Fund, three welfare institutions including Mustvee Health Centre and representatives of two local governments in Estonia.
Employees of Mustvee Health Centre, Peipsiveere Care Center and Alutaguse Care Center took an active part in mutual discussions.
Project ER153 “Cooperation of professional and local communities to improve quality of healthcare services, rehabilitation and social inclusion (Ergonomics)” co-financed by the Estonian EU external border programme 2014-2020 came to its final stage and was fully implemented on Estonian side. The project has been commenced on 1 September 2020 with the end of implementation period in June 2022. Budget of Mustvee Health Centre TE is EUR 64 731.
As a result of the project 20 employees of Mustvee Health Centre improved their professional qualification. The project emphasized the need for a more attentive approach to people with special needs as equal and free access to social security for all patients and introduction of ergonomic solutions in everyday life.
Mustvee Health Centre used project funds to enrich the set of medical inventory and equipment and raise the level of the accessible environment to improve patients’ life quality and working conditions for organization.
The project activities contained Inclusion Days, which aimed at making society more tolerant and attentive to the daily quality of life of people with special needs.
The first Inclusion Day took place in person in September 2021 with the participation of students from local schools of Mustvee city. It gave a practical aspect to the visitors by “modelling” the disability and “feeling” the special needs and attitude in simple everyday life.
The second stage of Inclusion Days was arranged in web-based format being open to the public such as public service providers, local public authorities, NGOs and other potential users of the services of medical and social organizations. The conference ended up with a joint workshop for employees of Mustvee Health Centre and health care institution Peipsiveere Care Center for knowledge sharing and exchange of experience and best practices.
Within framework of the project four videos were produced covering different topics such as general information about the project, a range of services offered by the institution to the local residents and video-reflection of two Inclusion Days conducted by Estonian Lead beneficiary. The videos are available on partner website: https://www.mustveetk.ee/ergonomics-er153/esitlused/