Seminar is aimed to introduce the Programme requirements for submission of project proposals in the 1st stage of project application (Project Summary Form). Event will provide information on thematic objectives, partnership requirements, eligibility of costs, communication and visibility rules, electronic Monitoring System etc.
First day of event is seminar and the second day is focusing on consultations.
Working language of the seminar is Russia. Simultaneous translation of the seminar to English will be provided upon request (to be marked at registration stage).
Registration for the event is obligatory.
It is recommended up to 2 persons per organization to take part in the event.
Seminar for potential Project Applicants and partners in St.Petersburg,
Russia on 20-21 February 2017
- Agenda of the seminar in St.Petersburg, Russia: in English, in Russian.
- The Registration Form for seminar in St.Petersburg, Russia you can find HERE. (SINCE 13th of FEBRUARY 2017 THE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED!)
Contact person of the event: Sergey Balanev- e-mail: [email protected], phone: +7 812 325 83 51
1st Call for proposals will be open from 17 January 2017 until 3 April 2017.
Guidelines for the 1st Call for proposals (approved chapters) you can find on our website HERE.
Event will be photographed. By registering to the event you approve the usage of photos of event to illustrate and promote the activities of the Programme in publications and in Internet.
Event is financed by the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.