Lead beneficiaries, beneficiaries of supported projects of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme under Programme Thematic Objective (TO) 6 – Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaption are invited to participate at the information seminar in St.Petersburg, Russia on 20-21 March 2019.
At the two-day event we introduce and discuss the contractual obligations of the Programme, present procurement rules and visibility requirements as well the financial obligations of the project. There is also an opportunity for individual consultations.
To promote cooperation opportunities and networking between supported projects the participants are asked to prepare a small introduction of supported initiative.
We also encourage that all project partners participate jointly at one seminar. However, if this is not possible, you are welcome to attend some other TO seminar.
Please find the Agenda of the event HERE
Working language of the seminar is English.
It is recommended up to three persons per lead beneficiary/beneficiary. Please be reminded that participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
For participation at event prior registration is required and open till 13 March.
If you have questions or require additional information, please contact the Joint Technical Secretariat.