
Estonian EU external border programme





Programme event

Joint Technical Secretariat e-mail: [email protected]

On 30 March 2021 takes place the online meeting of Estonian and Russian experts, professionals on environmental issues for preparation of the Estonia-Russia programme for the period 2021-2027.

The purpose of event is to discuss jointly on environmental challenges in the border area of the two countries and exchange views on how the cross-border cooperation could contribute to common solutions and potential actions for that.

Registration is open to invited representatives of the environmental sphere from Estonia and Russia with the deadline of 25 March.

Zoom link will be sent shortly before the event to the registered participants.

The Joint Programming Committee (JPC) has preliminarily agreed on the potential fields of action that could be supported by the next cooperation programme. Among other topics the JPC would like to support tackling of various environmental issues.
New Estonia – Russia programme is being prepared and the programme document that sets the strategic framework for the programme is scheduled to be finalised in 2021.

Registration for this event has been closed.