
Estonian EU external border programme



Värska külastuskeskus - Reegi maja (Pikk 29, Värska, Setomaa vald


Project event

ER199 Northern Camp

Project manager: Margery Roosimaa e-mai l: [email protected] 

The final event of the project summarizes the results of the six-month period and provides an overview about the achievements and activities conducted.

During the day historian Igor Kopõtin will present the history and story about the Petseri camp team in the Estonian military training system in the 1920s-1940s.
The presentations will be broadcasted on the Facebook page of Setomaa municipality.

Participants can take part in a guided hike that introduces the Northern Camp hiking trail (approx. 5km).
After the hike a joint gathering takes place at Reeg’s house .

For participation prior registration is required
Press release.

More information about the project is HERE
Photos by Reigo Teervalt