
Estonian EU external border programme


On 5 March 2021 Estonia-Russia CBC Programme organized stakeholders’ consultation on tourism for preparation of new programme for the period 2021-2027.

25 experts in tourism from Estonia and Russia met in online discussion on perspectives for tourism development focusing on two specific objectives preselected by the Joint Programming Committee:

  • “Enhancing growth and competitiveness of SMEs, including by productive investments”;
  • “Enhancing the role of culture and tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation”.

The discussion was organized in 3 working groups, to specify potential cross-border cooperation activities and organisations that have interest and capacity to implement them in the border area of the next Estonia – Russia programme 2021-2027. 

Stakeholders consultation resulted in identifying common fields of interest and cooperation supported with the lists of specific activities for implementation and potential parties proposed to be involved.

Organizers are very grateful to all participants for their input to the discussion and to Iveta Puzo, senior expert of TESIM project, for assistance in preparation and moderation of the event.

Summary of the event’s outputs will be reported at the 4th Meeting of the Joint Programming Committee on 17 March.