In the previous Newsletter we published first interesting facts and achievements discovered by projects. We decided to continue this rubric and asked other projects to share their findings and success during the first period of implementation.
Project ER96 “Connecting Through Music” (Promoting music hobby education and fostering cross border cooperation between the music schools in Pskov and Räpina) organized a common camp for Räpina and Pskov music schools’ orchestra members from 21 to 23 November 2019 in Räpina. Brightest moments were the mentoring lessons and common concerts. Young musicians were mentored by the acknowledged Estonia musicians and music teachers. Some of the Pskov orchestra members have no formal music education – so the mentored lessons were their first individual lessons guided by professional musicians.
On 22 and 23 November common concerts took place. It’s not an everyday event when two brass orchestras from two different countries play together! Pskov orchestras’ brass instruments are mostly copper instruments, but Räpina has also wooden brass instruments, so the resulting sound was very harmonious!
The project ER24 “T2Dprevention” (“Development of measures for improving the quality of diagnosis and prevention of type 2 diabetes”), launched in May 2019, brings first results. Almost 400 patients with type 2 diabetes were involved in the project and the number is increasing every day. Biomaterial samples are collected on the basis of clinics in St. Petersburg and Pskov where patients undergo clinical examinations and questionnaires. In University of Tartu at the same time, the analysis of genetic markers of type 2 diabetes in collected samples begins that will allow to elucidate the causes of this serious disorder, as well as elaborate the comprehensive measures for its prevention and diagnosis in Estonia and Russia.
The first object, constructed in the framework of Large Infrastructure Project ER2 “Common Peipsi 2” (Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Lake Peipsi area 2) – water treatment station in Cheryokha village (Pskov District, Russia), which gives up to 2 000 inhabitants of Cheryokha village access to clean water, was opened on the 27th of December 2019. Local people showed a high interest during construction of the station and gladly joined the opening event. Completion of construction of water treatment station is a good example of continuity of activities, as the design project was financed from the previous project “Common Peipsi” funded by Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013. After finalizing the project Administration of Pskov district, inspired by these results, has in plans to build two more water treatment stations in other villages where the necessity of pure water is relatively high.
Before construction of the station in Cheryokha After construction of the station in Cheryokha Water treatment station inside
During the first period of the ER 90 “HAZLESS” project (“Hazardous chemicals in the eastern Gulf of Finland – concentrations and impact assessment”) has conducted extensive field surveys across the coastal areas of the eastern Gulf of Finland. On either side of the border, samples were collected from the open sea using national research vessels or in the coastal zone from the shore. More than 300 different samples of water, bottom sediments and biota (algae, molluscа, crustaceans, fish) were taken to determine: organic compounds and heavy metals from bottom sediments; diclofenac and other pharmaceuticals from water; organic compounds, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and petroleum products from biota together with data on core parameters of surrounding marine environment. Important to notice that among the different chemical contaminants, persistent organic pollutant Tributyltin despite the long-standing worldwide ban was found in sediments both in Russian pollution hot spots and within Estonian Narva Bay.