
Estonian EU external border programme


Estonia-Russia CBC Programme held a back-to-back 9th meeting of the Selection Committee (SC) and 7th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) in November 2019 in St. Petersburg.

On 19 November the agenda of 9th SC meeting included the discussions on additional financing for implementation of Large Infrastructure Projects (LIPs) and elaboration of relevant proposals for approval at the JMC meeting on 20-21 November. The meeting was chaired by Ms Ege Ello – Head of the Managing Authority of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme.

On 20-21 November 7th meeting of the JMC was chaired by Ms Suzanna Vatfa – Deputy Head of Unit, Department for Development and Regulation of External Economic Activities, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation .

The agenda of the meeting was very diverse, including introduction to state of play of Programme implementation, discussion of the 1st Call projects contracting process, approval of the additional financing for LIPs implementation, Work plan, Information and Communication plan for 2020, Technical assistance budget for 2020 and forecast for further period .

The decision to launch the 3rd Call for proposals on 25th November 2019 was taken, supported with relevant documents and specified timeline .

Representatives of the European Commission Mr Lucian Jega and Ms Dana Berinde had presented the state of play of the process of transfer all ENI programmes from DG NEAR to DG REGIO.

JMC had discussed and approved proposals supporting works related to future programming, including establishment of the Joint Programming Committee.

Next JMC meeting is agreed to be held in end of May 2020 in Estonia.

Photo gallery of the meeting.

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