The Project coming under Thematic Objective (TO) 5 “ Support to local and regional good governance” aims at raising knowledge on cultural and natural richness of common territory of Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe region and importance of preserving it.
The awarded project ER8 “Improved network of formal and informal education institutes to support Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe-Pskovskoe region” (“CuNaHe”) will be implemented by two partners from Estonia: Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation, Räpina Co-Educational Gymnasium and two partners from Russia (Pskov) Pskov regional public organization «Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)», Municipal budgetary general educational institution “Pechory secondary school nr. 3”. Two more organizations are involved in the project implementation as associated partners: Center of Educational innovation of University of Tartu and Pskov State University.
The project will support development of innovative and interactive methodologies in the field of joint natural and cultural heritage and organizing awareness raising activities in border region schools, formal and non-formal educational institutions and centers. Also technical possibilities will be improved to implement new study programs and laboratories will be set up for integrated learning in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, history and geography.
The project overall budget is EUR 164 763,00 including Programme co-financing in the amount of EUR 148 286,70.