The event was opened by Ms Yulia Savkina – the representative of the Department of Interregional and Cross Border Cooperation Development, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Ms Unda Ozolina – Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat, Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020.
The objective of the seminar was to introduce Applicants and potential partners in details with Programme Guidelines and requirements in order to ensure smooth preparation of Project Summary Forms on the first stage of the Call.
During the 1st day of the seminar Joint Technical Secretariat presented thematic objectives and indicative activities, requirements for the eligibility of partners, Programme requirements on communication and visibility, budget planning issues and eligibility of costs. Overview of eMS and key principles of working with the system while uploading information to the Project Summary Form in the eMS was also delivered.
Practical exercises on eligibility of costs and other issues have warmed up the audience thus initiating Questions and Answers session.
Second day was devoted to project individual consultations, during which many practical questions on elaboration of projects were asked.
Close to 100 % of the audience assessed the content of the seminar as useful and very useful. 48 participants decided to apply for the call, 34 – already have partners to develop project idea and prepare application.
The whole set of presentations delivered at the seminar you can find here.
Photo Gallery of the seminar.
1st Call for project proposals of the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Coopertaion Programme is open from 17 January 2017 . Deadline for submission of project applications (Project Summary Form) is 3 April 2017 at 17:00 (Estonian time).