
Estonian EU external border programme


On 19 April in Pskov, Russia seminar for Applicants and partners of Large Infrastructure Projects gathered around 40 partners and stakeholders from Estonia and Russia to discuss essential themes concerning preparation of Full Application Form (FAF). All the respondents assessed the seminar content as very useful and useful and 67% of them found project consultations as very useful.


Within the seminar representatives of JTS presented Programme requirements, key provisions of Feasibility Study and Technical Documentation.


An exercise on project Logframe was offered to the audience to check their skills in elaboration of project activities and their relevance to the set objectives, outputs and results. Requirements on Communication and Visibility and Eligibility of costs were introduced during the event.


In the second part of the day consultations per project were held.


Large Infrastructure Projects are strategic cross-border cooperation projects identified by the Programme and are contracted through the direct award procedure.

Photo gallery of the event