
Estonian EU external border programme


6th meeting of the Joint Programming Committee (JPC) took place online on 15 September 2021 to discuss progress of preparation process of the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) Programme 2021-2027.

The meeting was chaired by Mr Daniil Turlanov , Deputy Head of Division, the Department of development of integration projects and CIS countries, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

In the meeting Ms Tanya Dimitrova, Programme Desk Officer, DG REGIO, European Commission, gave an overview about preparation process of the draft of Financing Agreement, as well informed that EU documents regulating preparation and implementation of the Interreg CBC Programmes 2021-2027, adopted in June 2021, are now in force, providing ground for Programmes’ preparation.

Participants were introduced with a further developed concept and state of play for Territorial Analysis and Programme Document followed by a discussion for setting future directions, action plan and timeline.

The meeting included also the thorough discussion on Programme Policy Objectives and Specific Objectives and principles of Simplified Costs Options as an innovative way for financing supported projects and reducing the administrative burden for both managing authority and beneficiaries.

One of the agenda items was the introduction and approval of the Communication Strategy by the JPC for the period 2021-2027 as a framework for the information and visibility activities.

7th meeting of the Joint Programming Committee is scheduled for October 2021.