
Estonian EU external border programme


The Five-kroon viewing platform of Narva completed in January 2023 became a candidate for the best concrete building of the year being among 13 nominees in the competition “Aasta Betoonehitis 2022” (“Concrete Building of the Year 2022”) in Estonia.

Modern viewing platform, which got its name based on depicted view on the backside of Estonian five-kroon banknote, offers a great sight to the Narva River and its promenade, Narva Hermann castle and Ivangorod fortress. The view captured by Vladimir Taiger on five-kroon banknote is also applied on concrete wall of the viewing platform.

Imre Leetma, the Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Concrete Association said: “The river promenade of the city of Narva has got a long-awaited extension, the most significant part of which is so-called 5-kroon viewing platform and the realization of the legendary view in concrete with Graphic Concrete technology.” ( press release of 9 Jan 2023)

Viewing platform and the new stage of the Narva River Promenade (Estonia) were constructed within the framework of the Large Infrastructure Project “River Promenades III” co-financed by the Estonian EU external border programme within European Neighborhood Instrument. The lead beneficiary of the project is Department for City Development and Economy of Narva City Government.

Estonian kroons were in circulation and legal means of payment in the Republic of Estonia from 20 June 1992 until the end of 2010.