According to the Work Plan for 2018 of the Estonia-Russia CBC Programme Control Contact Points have started operations both in Estonia and Russia.
The Republic of Estonia has appointed the Estonian Ministry of Finance, Mr Ruslan Prohhorenko – the Adviser of the Interreg Programmes Supervision Unit to fulfill the functions of Control Contact Point.
The Russian Federation has appointed the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Mr Rostislav Petrenko – the Deputy Head of Foreign Market Access and protective measures Unit (Department for Development and Regulation of External Economic Activities) to fulfill the functions of Control Contact Point.
Control Contact Points (CCPs) act as assistants to the Managing Authority (MA) and support the MA in the elaboration of guidance on expenditure verification, providing clarification and training on national rules (such as procurement, labour law, taxes, etc), as well assisting the MA during on-the-spot verification work in respective country.
CCP in Russia shall mainly assist the MA in its verifications and control tasks in the territory of Russia providing information and clarifications on the national rules that have consequences for conducting the audits or additional checks on projects, helping MA to organize trainings for projects’ auditors.