
Estonian EU external border programme


The preparation of Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 started in March 2020 when the 1st meeting of Joint Programming Committee (JPC) took place. Despite COVID restrictions, the fruitful discussions were held and several important decisions were taken. One of the vital points in the decision-making process was approval of the programme area for future period. It stays the same and consists of Kirde-Eesti, Lõuna-Eesti, Kesk-Eesti and Põhja-Eesti, including Tallinn in Estonia, and Pskov region, Leningrad region and St.Petersburg in Russia.

During continues discussions among JPC members the decision on the preliminary list of supported Policy Objectives (PO) and Specific Objectives (SO) of the Estonia-Russia Programme 2021-2027 was made.

Listed policy and specific objectives are now proposed for the stakeholders online consultation which is taking place via Google questionnaire. Programming authorities are inviting all interested parties to evaluate the importance of the preselected Policy Objectives and Specific Objectives in order to make the final decision concerning the support measures for the future Programme. It is also a possibility to choose the most efficient joint actions from proposed list or supplement the list with additional new joint activities.

When answering to the questionnaire, please bear in mind that all the future Programme supported projects should have partners from both sides of the border and contribute to the development of border areas of the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation. The cross-border character of actions by tackling common challenges is the key value of the Estonia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.

The online questionnaire is open from 15 February until 7 March 2021. The questionnaire is composed in English and we will appreciate the answers in English.


The approximate time for completing the questionnaire is up to 60 minutes. Please note that the questionnaire must be completed at once and the draft cannot be saved. 

If you have any further questions about the questionnaire, please contact us: [email protected]

Your opinion is important to us!

Information in Estonian and in Russian.