
Estonian EU external border programme


The results of quality assessment of applications within the 3rd Call for proposals were discussed and shortlisted by Selection Committee (SC) on 26 May and approved on 27 May by the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) at online meetings .

The 11th meeting of the SC took place on 26 May 2020 chaired by Ms Ege Ello, Head of Managing Authority, to discuss the results of quality assessment of the 3rd call projects focused on TO5 Support to local and regional good governance in two specific areas:

  • improving cooperation between local and regional authorities and their sub-units;
  • improving cooperation between local and regional communities.

As the result of the discussion the SC had agreed a Ranking list of projects to be presented for approval to the JMC.   

The total amount of Programme grants allocated to the 3rd Call projects is EUR 432 373,32, while requested amount was almost three times higher

The 8th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) took place on 27May, chaired by Ms Margarita Golovko, Head of European Territorial Cooperation Unit, Regional Development Department, Ministry of Finance.

At the meeting the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) presented a state of play of the Programme including information on challenges and solutions in the COVID-19 crisis situation; progress of projects implementation and contracting; Joint Operational Programme amendment process and performance and first achievements of Large Infrastructure Projects.   

Fruitful and constructive discussion led to a number of important decisions:

  • 5 diverse projects were selected for a grant award within the 3rd Call of proposals (ranking list);
  • agreements on written procedures for several documents on Programme implementation were made

In the last part of the session the essential information was presented:

  • activities of the Audit Authority by Mr Mart Pechter, Lead Auditor, Audit Authority;
  • information of planned modifications of ENI CBC Implementing Rules by Ms Tanya Dimitrova, DG REGIO.

Next – 9th JMC meeting is planned in November 2020.
