
Estonian EU external border programme

Best Nest


Name of Lead Beneficiary

Võru Town Government_ER58

Associated partners

Foundation of Development Center of Võru County, Võru Institute, Võru Upper Secondary Sate School, Russian International Academy of Tourism

Thematic objective

TO1 Business and SME development

Start date: 01.09.2020

End date: 31.08.2023

Duration: 36

Specific area

Improving the business environment through the development of business support measures and infrastructure

Programme co-financing

470 250 EUR

Total budget

522 500 EUR


Pskov region
South Estonia

Contact email

[email protected]

Project status

Completed (1)

BestNest (completed on EST side) - ER58

Increasing entrepreneurial culture and competitiveness among artisans and craftsmen in Võru and Pskov

Best Nest project will encourage and support business start-ups, which are using cultural heritage in their high-quality products to increase the competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit among the artisans and craftsmen of Võru County and Pskov region .

Specific objectives:

  • To increase the competitiveness of border areas and entrepreneurial culture among artisans and craftsmen
  • To preserve local culture heritage and present it in useful products
  • Improve entrepreneurial environment

Main activities:

  • Participation of the project’s pilot group (10 from Russia and 10 from Estonia) in training seminars and master classes in Russia and Estonia.
  • Joint participation of artisans from Pskov and Võru in fairs.
  • Reconstruction of part of the premises of the Pskov business incubator and adaptation of premises for workshops (pottery and textile workshops, wood processing workshop).
  • Development of business support services: methodological guide “how to become an entrepreneur” by Pskov business incubator; e-shop and official website of Võru Business Incubator for Creative Industry; Pskov state University students will develop a brand book of local authentic Souvenirs.
  • Expanding the network of business contacts among artisans in the border areas of Russia and Estonia.
  • Small scale investments will allow to renovate old buildings both in Võru and Pskov, and supply them with equipment for craftsmen.

    In Estonia
    Võru business incubator will be transformed in well-established facility for creative artisans, including: felting-room, pottery works and ceramics, sewing-studio for clothing designers, space for visual/graphic design.In Russia
    Renovated Pskov Business Incubator will ensure working facilities for local craftsmen in woodworking, glazing, weaving and pottery.


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