St. Petersburg State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution “Petrovsky College”_ER91
TO1 Business and SME development
Start date: 01.11.2019
End date: 31.12.2021
Duration: 26 months
Increasing SME competitiveness and entrepreneurship by fostering cooperation between public, private and R&D sectors
49 500,00 EUR
55 000,00 EUR
Northeast Estonia
Completed (1)
Entreprenership programme for upper-secondary students “ESTRUS-preneurs”
The project main objective is promotion of entrepreneurship and providing the students of partner schools with the first experience in cross-border business initiative
Specific objective:
Testing the model of students’ cross-border mini-companies in the context of Estonia-Russia cross-border initiatives and disseminating among secondary schools of the region for working with it and improvement of young people’s entrepreneurial competences
Main activities: