
Estonian EU external border programme



Name of Lead Beneficiary

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture/Water and Environmental Engineering Research Group Marine Systems Institute/Laboratory of Marine Ecology


Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation_ER194
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics_ER194

Associated partners

Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd, Finland

Thematic objective

TO6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaption

Start date: 01.05.2023

End date: 31.10.2023

Duration: 6 months

Specific area

Increasing awareness of environmental protection and efficient use of energy resources

Programme co-financing

79 830,16 EUR

Total budget

88 700,18 EUR


South Estonia
Northeast Estonia

Contact email

[email protected]

Project status

Completed (5th Call for proposals)

NarBaltAware - ER194

Overall objective: to spread the results of previous projects including the harmonised discharge estimation methods, pollution load estimation, WQI, marine monitoring, environmental status assessment, regional-oriented educational materials, new awareness-raising techniques, etc.) among different target groups
Specific objectives:
1. to publish the guidelines with the results of the ER25, ER90 and ER101 projects,
2. to orginize EcoBalt 2023 conference session;
3. to carry out Mikkeli seminar and environment raising awareness educational events in Ida-Virumaa.