Preparation period of the Programme Document (PD) for Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 is close to accomplishment after 2 years journey, including 8 Meetings of the Joint Programming Committee, extended Programme’s territorial analysis elaboration, Task Force meetings on content and management structure of the Programme, offline and online interviews, targeted stakeholders events and online survey.
The concluding stage on this way is running of the Public Hearings with possible wider audience to be introduced to the key objectives of the Programme summarized in the PD and enabled to provide comments and opinions concerning the future of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme.
Public hearings are open from 9 December 2021 till 6 January 2022 to the audience interested in the development of the content of the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027, especially Programme stakeholders and partners, including representatives of national and regional authorities, local municipalities, and their units, NGOs, universities, other institutions.
The widely promoted Webinar organized by the Managing Authority on 16 December 2021 had become the key milestone in this process, where the main elements of the PD were presented and discussed with the total of 91 participants.

Event started with welcome words of representatives of the Estonia and Russia Programme’s National Authorities providing summaries of the scope of works implemented within the course of the PD preparation and results expected from the actions to be implemented in the Programme period 2021-2027.
Further on the audience was introduced with the programming process and content of the draft PD of Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2021-2027, including chapters:
- Joint Programme strategy: main development challenges and policy responses;
- Priorities: activities, indicators, main target groups;
- Communication and visibility
The established atmosphere of the event was very friendly in the mode of dialogue between participating interested audience and Programme’s bodies.
All questions from the audience and answers/clarifications provided by National and Managing Authorities and JTS are published on Programme’s webpage HERE as well as presentations delivered HERE.
The event was run in English language with simultaneous translation into Estonian and Russian.
The audience was also introduced to the opportunity to provide their feedback to the document, by filling-in the online survey feedback form by 6 January 2022, with comments given in all three languages: Estonian, Russian or English:
Welcome remarks by National Authorities of Estonia and Russia at public hearing webinar.
Public Hearings are going on!