The awarded project “Development of measures for improving the quality of diagnosis and prevention of type 2 diabetes” (Project) (ER-24) is now officially launched and will be implemented by four partners: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saint-Petersburg State University”, University of Tartu, Pskov State University and OOO “Biogarmonia”. One more organization is involved in project implementation as associated partner – “Eugene I. Schwartz association of specialists in the fields of molecular medicine, medical and laboratory genetics”.
The Project coming under Thematic Objective (TO) 1 “Business and SME development” is aimed to establish the effective cooperation between scientific centers, educational institutes and private medical clinic, which will help to realize the objectives and to implement the elaborated approaches into clinical practice.
Three year collaborative project will take advantage of the potential of each partner and make it possible to perform a study on a large collection of samples of patients and controls that will not be possible without partnerships due to the complexity of genetic and analysis methods, as well as the high cost of equipment and reagents for large-scale research.
The project overall budget is EUR 439 307,50 which includes Programme co-financing in the amount of EUR 379 376,75.