The Quality assessment ranking list of three full applications within the 2nd Call for proposals was agreed by the Selection Committee (SC) to be presented for the approval of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC).
The 7th meeting of the SC took place on 24 April 2019 in Gatchina, Leningrad region (Russia) to discuss the results of quality assessment of the projects contributing to the fire safety and reduction of land- and forest fires in the border region of Estonia and Russia.
The discussion was focused on practical aspects of implementation of the cross-border cooperation projects and especially on the sustainability and efficient use of their outputs and results in long run. The SC has elaborated proposals on conditions for projects to be presented for the approval of the JMC.
The total amount of Programme grants allocated to the 2nd Call projects is over EUR 800 000.
The Agenda of
the meeting had also addressed some issues related to the 1st call
We thank all Applicants and
partners of submitted projects for the interest and done work!