The awarded project “Increasing capacity of environmental protection to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem performance in the Gulf of Finland under multiple human uses and climate change pressure – ADRIENNE” (Project) (ER-55) is now officially launched and will be implemented by 3 partners: University of Tartu, Federal State budget institution of sciences – St. Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Estonian Ministry of the Environment. Four more organizations are involved in project implementation as associated partners: Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the City of St. Petersburg, All-Russian non-governmental organization Russian geographical society – Leningrad oblast branch, Finnish Environment Institute (FEI) and Kotka Maritime Research Centre (KMRC)
The Project coming under Thematic Objective (TO) 6 “Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation” will focus on how alternative human uses either alone or combined with other pressures may affect diversity, ecosystem functioning and services in the highly utilized and sensitive transboundary waterbody of the Gulf of Finland. Partners will combine novel spatial modelling products of species, habitats and fishery-related ecosystem services with expert-based assessment of synergistic effects of human uses on the biota and vice versa.
The project within the course of three year action will target limitations of current maritime spatial planning practice and resource management as well as address common transboundary challenges in marine environment issues. The improved biodiversity of joint natural assets will be achieved by smart planning and increasing awareness of environmental protection.
The project overall budget is EUR 551 006,00 which includes Programme co-financing in the amount of EUR 495 905,40.